Zoom hours

Monday, Wednesday, Friday  – 8:00 AM-1:00PM

Tuesday, Thursday – 2:00 PM-7:00PM

Hello Fort Collins, and CSU students! I’m Christine, the Dell Fort Collins CSU computer rep! You are going to love the Dell 7400 Lattitude 2 in 1! For questions, you can reach me on Zoom at:
https://delledu.zoom.us/my/dellcampusrepcsu?pwd=MU1vR0p1ZTJYZCtBTmU4MHR2dEN4dz09 or by
phone / email at 970 617 7099 / cmruffin.delledu@2020co.com or visit our bookstore at: //ramtech.colostate.edu/ !

We look forward to hearing from you soon!