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Last updated: 12/22/24

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— How / what can I order? (Site, In-person, Phone) —

— Sorry! —

At this time, there is no site-oriented method of ordering and managing ordered material on the website.

That said, we can perform Special Orders to order or reserve hardware and software.

Students / staff can order, reserve, or request software and hardware from the store — even some material that is not explicitly listed here!

Please read below:

Methods to Place a Special Order:

Option 1
Email [email protected]
Please expect some delay in initial reply.

Option 2
Call RamTech at (970) 491-7625
Speak directly with a staff member to transcribe and place your order directly.

Option 3
Talk to a staff member in-person for precision and expediency.

At this time, tracking of Special Orders must be done through direct contact with the store through email, phone, or in-person.

— What is: "Educational Pricing"? —

Educational pricing refers to reduced prices or benefits that can be taken advantage of courtesy of your status as staff or student to the university!

What is applicable for educational pricing?

  • Major hardware and software are often provided an educational discount, though be sure to check with the store to make certain.
    • Hardware: Apple iPads and MacBooks are sold in direct accordance to the Apple Educational Discount provided in RamTech’s contracts with Apple.
    • Hardware: Windows laptops vary on the range and consistency of discount applicability. Please consult RamTech if you have any questions.
    • Hardware: The majority of accessories and small physical items are not subject to educational pricing at this time. Key items like headphones, for instance, can be expected to be sold for conventional retail prices.
    • Software: Assume that all software sold by RamTech is done so at educational pricing or the best price negotiable in contract with the software’s provider.

— Where is RamTech on campus? —

Lory Student Center | Room 244

Hope to see you there!

— Does RamTech do repairs? —

Yes! RamTech’s Repair Center is a separate service offered to university staff and students for computer repairs, backups, and other conditions.

At this time, tablets, phones, and other electronics cannot be repaired by the RamTech Repair Service.

Please see the Computer Repair Center for additional details and pricing information.

— Can I get general tech help at the store? (Internet, troubleshooting, etc.) —

Depends! For smaller immediate and urgent tech issues, our staff in store may be able to assist! Depending on the nature of the issue however, you may be referred to other locations at or around CSU, if not RamTech’s Repair Center service. We cannot guarantee results in this more immediate assistance effort, but we’ll do our best!”

Services received in store that do not go through an advanced service are largely complimentary.

For advanced services recommended or the Repair Center, you may expect to receive a charge which will be conferred prior to service.

— Can I charge to a CSU Student Account or Department / Grant Accounts? —

Student Accounts: Yes! Active students can charge any and all materials to student accounts as desired. This implies a deferred payment from initial purchase to be paid from the student account later. However, some restrictions should be noted:

  • Students may only purchase one of each major class of device per semester:
    • One computer / laptop
    • One tablet
    • One major accessory (ex: expensive headphone; AirPods, etc.)
  • Students must be enrolled in classes and otherwise the account must be free of holds.

Please have your Student ID ready for the transaction unless otherwise instructed.

Department / Grant Accounts: Yes! Come prepared with the 7-digit (+/- sub-account #/ID) provided to you and we can process it for purchases (ordered or in-person).


  • Department purchases are tax-exempt.
  • Will require knowledge of the specific 4-digit department code or the name of the department in general.

— What is your return policy? —

Return policy will vary depending on the nature of the item and purchase.

Computers & Headphones

Cannot be returned if bought and opened, regardless of condition.
Exception: demonstrably Dead On Arrival.


Unreturnable. Sorry!


The majority of items carry a 14-day return policy.
If the item was opened in any capacity, the return will incur a 20% restocking fee.
If the item was unopened, a full refund will be returned.

Exception: some items that are sold in RamTech generic packaging or other generic packaging may be provided a full refund, provided that packaging is still in tact.

We open-box restocked items for other customers to purchase at a discounted rate.

— Can I still make sure of RamTech services as an online student? —


Distance students are required to provide proof of enrollment at CSU, usually in the form of your CSU Registration Confirmation.

In addition, we need to have your CSU ID number to process the purchase. Payment can be made by either calling in with a Visa/MasterCard number, or by charging to your student account.

Shipping is by UPS ground and the shipping rate is subject to your location.

— I am not part of the university — can I still purchase from RamTech? —

Yes—with some notable restrictions!

Major electronics like computers are unavailable for purchase. Material that is purchased as a guest is limited to $100 at checkout. Depending on the nature of the purchase, some purchases are flexible. Please talk with a sales associate during your visit if you have any questions!

Special Orders are not available to non-university affiliates. Sorry!